God's Works Revealed proposes a compelling, challenging, and joyful vision for living as a lesbian, gay, or bisexual Catholic today. This book affirms that LGB Catholics can discover in our very sexuality the intentional and divinely-gifted grace to live our baptismal call to holiness, and it challenges assumptions that exclude LGB Catholics from sexual expression, married life, and participation in the life of the Catholic Church. ​ This book also proposes a needed roadmap for the development of doctrine on this important and contemporary matter. Themes undergirding this work include the centrality of prayer and friendship with Jesus Christ, participation in the sacramental life, and creative love and loyalty toward the Catholic Church. Serious treatment is also given to the contributions of the natural and social sciences, which have significantly advanced our understanding of sexual orientation over the past three decades. Extensive endnotes will point a discerning reader to relevant Church documents and academic studies that address the topics discussed in this book.
Sam Albano (he/him) is a writer, educator, and member of the LGBTQI Catholic community. He is a graduate of Saint Joseph's College (Indiana). In 2015, Sam's writing was published in National Catholic Reporter and Huffington Post. He currently serves as the national secretary of DignityUSA, the oldest and largest organization of LGBTQI Catholics. Sam lives in Indiana.
Other Articles and Publications
"Can LGBTQ Catholics Point the Church Toward Unity?"
"Toward a Christlike Church: Synodal Report of the People of God of DignityUSA"
Contributing Author
"The Moment I Realized I Was Meant to Be a Living Witness to a Gay Life Lived in Jesus Christ"
Huffington Post
"That All Might Hear the Gospel and Live"
National Catholic Reporter